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Top 7 Indian Instagram Hotties

Have you been trying to get your ass in a gym lately? I suppose it didn’t really work, but that’s fine, happens to the best of us. Maybe you didn’t feel like going, or maybe you went to the gym, but you didn’t know what you were supposed to do with all the weird machinery there. Don’t fret, though, there are many amazing people on Instagram, who, in addition to being sweet-sweet eye-candies, will help motivate you with their pictures and personal stories!
Or you can just look at their pics, that’s also fine. So, here are 7 of the hottest Indian fitness personalities on Instagram. Welcome to the fitness jungle, we got fun and games!

1. Jessica Arevalo knows her fitness, and you can see it in here thigh- I mean eyes. Go ahead, give her Instagram profile a look!

 2. Shweta Rathore international physique athlete, Miss World fitness champion, founder of Fitness Forever, and, of course, a searing hot fitness icon. Just the way you like!

 3. Sumeet Sahni may help you with your fitness chores online, if you ask nicely. She’s also a model, and a Blackstone Labs athlete, living in California.

4. Sonali Swami is a gorgeous bronze medalist of FitFactor and winner of MuscleMania. But her greatest accomplishment is probably her 2 kids.

 5. Sapna Vyas also has a YouTube channel with a crapton of motivational and fun fitness videos.

 6. Navneet Josan is a 31-year-old official BSN & Adidas sponsored athlete, and, get this, a bikini competitor! How does one become a bikini competitor and where can one watch the competition?

7.Yasmin Karachiwala
Celebrity trainer, master of pilates, author of Sculpt and Shape. And that’s not to mention her hot bod!


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