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9 Gorgeous People With a Unique Skin Color

Everyone on this planet is unique in their own way. None of us look the same or sound the same. We all have our special features and character traits and talents and abilities. But there are some people that definitely stand out more. Some have incredible talents that just blow our minds, some manage to acquire incredible skills that make us jealous and wish we could do what they can. But today we’re going to talk about 9 incredible people who have a very unique look. You see, their skin color is so rare and so unique that we can’t help ourselves but admire how unusual and gorgeous they look. And we’re not the only ones. They’ve gained popularity worldwide thanks to their unique looks. Without further ado, here’s 9 gorgeous people with a unique skin color.

 1. Winnie Harlow
Winnie Harlow has vitiligo, which is a condition that causes patches of skin to lose pigmentation. One day Tyra Banks spotted her pictures on Instagram and invited her to take part in America’s Next Top Model. The rest is history. Even though Winnie didn’t win, and finished in 5th place, she got a huge following of fans and quite a few offers from big names in the modeling industry. She is now a famous model, spokesperson and activist and she’s also the face of Desigual in Barcelona.

2. Connie Chiu
Connie is originally from Hong Kong even though she grew up in Sweden, studying art and journalism. She’s the only out of her 3 siblings to be born with albinism. We’re sure that must’ve come as a shock to her family at first, but Connie has truly made her unique skin color work to her advantage. She started modeling at the age of 24 and soon after also became a jazz singer. Her talents combined with her distinctive looks are definitely something that makes her stand out.

3. Khoudia Diop
Khoudia Diop was often teased as a child for how dark her skin is. But little did she know that it’s her unique skin color that will bring her fame and success. This gorgeous 19 year old Senegalese girl was noticed by a modeling agency and offered modeling work. Now she has almost half a million followers on Instagram and is known all over the world for her beautiful looks. She’s come a long way from a teen who was teased for her skin color. She now believes that if you’re lucky to be unlike others, you should never change!

4. Nikia Phoenix
Nikia was discovered by Alternative Apparel when she was casually having a cup of coffee in a small cafe. We bet she had no clue that would be the moment her life would change forever. Her unique looks, especially the combination of her skin color and freckles that cover her entire body have made her famous. She’s now the face of Coca-Cola and Target.

5. Stephen Thompson
This American guy never really wanted or dreamed of being a model. He just went about his daily life, until one day he met a photographer who was so stunned with Stephen’s looks that he convinced him to take a couple of pictures. Those were later published in a magazine and that’s essentially how Stephen Thompson found success and fame. He’s now a successful model whose pictures are often seen in fashion magazines and multiple fashion brands want to work with him. In 2011 he was even the face of Givenchy.

6. Ava Clarke
Ava is a truly unique girl. At the age of 9 she’s already a star. She’s graced the pages of Vogue, VIP and Denim and she has fans all over the world. You see, Ava is an African American Albino. She was born with super light skin, greenish blue eyes, pink lips and gorgeous curly white hair. She looks so unusual but at the same time so absolutely stunning!

7. Lola Chuil
Lola has only 39 posts on Instagram but she already has 489k followers. She’s a high-school student from LA. She’s so incredibly beautiful and unique that we can’t believe she hasn’t been picked up by a modeling agency yet. But all of her fans believe that she’s got a big successful future in the modeling business in the future. She’s already been compared to a young Naomi Campbell. In the meantime she’s studying hard and goofing around on Instagram.

8. Cooper Thompson
Cooper is a young man from Sydney, Australia who didn’t really plan on becoming a model. In fact, he’s been approached on the street by photographers and representatives of the modeling agencies for years before he finally decided to agree to a photoshoot. Since then he’s been signed by Chic Model Management in Australia. Cooper possesses such an ethereal kind of beauty it’s hard to believe he’s a real person and not just a Greek statue from the 18th century. His pale skin and blonde curls only add to his angelic looks.

9. Nastya Zhidkova
Nastya Zhidkova is a 21 year old girl from Russia and she’s basically changing the face of Russian modeling industry one picture at a time. Her albinism makes her look otherworldly and almost fairy like in her pictures. But modeling isn’t all she’s interested in. She’s also a gifted singer and you can find videos of her singing on Youtube.


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