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10 Reasons How First Night Is Awkward In Arranged Marriages!

The idea of having an arranged marriage strikes everyone at least once in a lifetime. You might not even go for an arranged marriages setup, but still, you think about it. Don’t you? And when you do, one of the first questions that pop into your head is “What kind of first night do an arranged marriage couple have? Is it…awkward?!” Well, what’s better than having that question answered by people who’ve been in the situation? It seems ludicrous to tie the knot with someone you barely know, but what happens at the wedding is what really got you thin. How awkward must it be to lay with a stranger you don’t love yet?

Read on to know the answers why first night is awkward in arranged marriages:

1. The one who believes trust is of utmost importance

First Night at arranged marriages

Gaining her trust is important. Marriage is a very complicated relationship yet the most beautiful. Emotional attachment is more important than Physical attachment. Apart from being physical, if both are familiar with each other then sure things will be fine. The first night is already tiresome because of all the function and stuff but still, they can talk and then sleep cuddling each other. The couple can talk or share incidences or can sleep altogether. It might be little awkward but hey, they have to spend rest of their life together.

2. The one who believes comfort is everything

first night in arranged marriages

The thing is, it takes the time to get to know your spouse before sleeping with them. So the first night is more of talking. Maybe have sex after one month of your marriage, when you’re both comfortable.

3. The one who summed it up in two sentences

first night in arranged marriages

It all depends on how much time you’ve had between the engagement and the marriage. If you have enough time to get to know each other, it won’t get awkward.

4. It Does Not Change Your Identity

first night in arranged marriages

Society tries to catalog a woman based on how much s3x she does or doesn’t have, in very black and white terms. Don’t buy into that. You haven’t had s3x before; you’re having s3x now. Nothing has changed about you at your core.

5. It Also Might Be Awesome (WHO KNOWS!).

first night in arranged marriages

Low expectations are one thing, but don’t go into this dreading it!
The thing surprised by was what an incredibly bonding experience it There should be something really special about having just experienced such a momentous public life event surrounded by our friends and family, and then undertaking a similarly momentous but very intimate life event between just the two It just felt very close to It was a totally unexpected but amazing benefit to waiting to have sex until the wedding night.”

6. Talk About FAMILIES During.

first night in arranged marriages

“It can take some time to figure out how to ask, how to gently turn your partner down, how to communicate about families it took both by surprise that they didn’t feel for opposite families, and learning to talk about it took time.”


first night in arranged marriages

Don’t freak out about Doing. You’re just being with your partner, enjoying your partner, doing stuff with your partner. That’s way less intimidating, yeah?

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